

Our Love was never meant to die || What I'd tell you
What's the first thing you'd tell me about us if I could not remember anymore?

I know what I'd tell you.

I'd tell you that the stars are blind, that they don't know faults and mistakes and fell for you & me on many a night.

I'd tell you that once you'd called to ask me if I had time for you that day. You said you cooked too much soup and wanted to share with me.

I'd tell you that you have a reading and writing difficulty and that your hands are shaky, but you took a day off to surprise me with handwritten notes on what you love about me.

I'd tell you that through your recognition I found forgiveness for myself.

I'd tell you that if I ever forgot my face, I'd still remember yours. I'd tell you that I love you to the brink of death and immortality at the same time.

I'd gently pick the flowers from your memory and bind a bouquet of remembrance & put it in a vase on our table. I'd let you choose a flower and gently pick every single of its petals, revealing my heart to you.

The day would move forward and the sun would be chasing it. We'd make it through the night and a new life would begin in the morning. And even if you forgot everything I told you, I'd start again. Even if you forgot the day after that too, and the day after that, I'd start each day all over again.

I'd tell you that one moment is eternity with you.

I'd know that even if you forgot everything, there'd be a whole lifetime with me written in your every atom & that our love was never meant to die.

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