

Twin Flames
I waited for you to find me and come into my life.
I knew that somehow your love would be a safe place from my strife.
It took you half a lifetime but you finally found me here.
When you wrapped your arms around me, my soul said 'welcome home my dear.'

We knew that we were meant to be, divine love exceeding time.
Finding each other in every universe, a beautiful love, sublime.
The world was never big enough to stop our magnetic pull.
The closer we are, the brighter the world, no longer grey and dull.

This is what happens when stars explode and cosmic dust divides in two.
Apart we'll always be missing something, together there's nothing we can't do.
Still we're human in all our flaws, stubborn and damaged and scared.
Somewhere along the pain of it all we forget there's a purpose why we were paired.

There's no promises or guarantees that we'll get another shot.
When time is gone it don't come back, no more can be bought.
Yet we keep on waisting it like we were never meant to be.
Scoffing at the powers that be, who made you a part of me.

So we just keep on fucking up, hoping next time we'll get it right.
Wondering lost and missing something, stumbling through the night.
What if this is the last chance? We won't remember either way. We'll just always know we're missing pieces, meant to be but couldn't stay....

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