

Best Friend Or Worst Enemy
Best Friend Or Worst Enemy

Being our own best friend or own worst enemy is often our greatest strength or our greatest weakness !
We all handle it with such uniqueness!

Sometimes we treat ourselves right, while other times we sell ourselves short and want to quit the fight !

We are the worst critics of ourselves, and sometimes our words are by far , more cruel than any wicked fool that was ever in school !

We see ourselves not being good enough , not trying hard enough , not being smart enough , not pretty or witty enough but then we realize that we are more than that and that we are tough !

We are perfectionists so compulsive, striving to be all we can be with passion and pride that we ourselves, often do not see !

All of this pressure takes its toll when we feel that we will never add up or reach our goal !

In the end , we should not be our own worst enemy but our own best friend !!

Jill4750 Aka Jillie Bee 🐝

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