

Am I omniscient?
As I venture into this sour peregrination,
With every deep breath I take, the end of it I see.
The everyday uncertainty should be a sharp stab on me to halt the journey, but I turned a blind eye which eventually will be my blind end.

Every step I take, as my eyes wink at intervals, I linger in this path that will bring forth my failure.
I'm not optimistic about this, I know the end will be terrible.

My daily goal has round up to pleasing this little gender and satisfying my flesh, what good would this fleeting sensation bring me? it takes total control of my time, and my essence I no longer know.

How viscous I am to myself, overshadowing my purpose in this planet because of a second pleasure
I won't stop now, I wish I could see the end.
Maybe I'm truly omniscient..

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