

a lilttle
Sure I'm a little crazy
But aren't we all from time to time
In a world of more downs than ups
Is it really a crime ?
Yep, these voices speak inside my head.
Sometimes I even whisper back.
But I think that means I'm still alive inside
That my sanity's yet to crack.
So, Yes I am slightly a little crazy,
so of course I do what crazies do.
But if you're totally honest
you're a little crazy too.
We all have a touch of crazy
Somewhere hidden deep down inside of us.
The only difference between me and you is
My crazy I don't try to hide.
So maybe you should release
a little bit of you're crazy.
Take a step on the crazy train
Let you hair simply fall down.
Because I live in a world of crazy
And I still ain't drowned.
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