

wake up
you finally woke up,
with glee in your eyes
five months have passed
you snoozed on new year,
but you finally woke up.

time has gone to work
with dreams are in school,
stretch your limbs,
take a bath
wash your hair,
open the window
let the rain come,
read poetry
taste the words of them
who are gone
write poetry,
Make love with words.
don't dance,
it will make you dizzy.

clean the floor,
close the door.
you don't have to go anywhere.
be stupid,
be silly.
you're alone.
you're free.

smear the paints on canvas,
let it lick your hands,
let your fingers taste honey
from your legs.

watch the sunset,
make yourself tea,
let the moon knock at your window,
let it kiss your eyes.

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