

Her last oath.
In the tender, fading glow of twilight,
A hushed, intimate pledge, softly whispered,
A vow, so pure and sincere, she uttered,
Her final oath, a heartfelt, emotional gesture.
Her voice, a melodious symphony of elegance,
Echoed within the tranquil, serene expanse,
A testament of love so profound,
In sacred words, her soul did resound.
Through life's tumultuous storms, she persevered,
This love, her unwavering, steadfast cure,
And now, as twilight gave way to night,
She sanctified their bond with a sacred rite.
Her final vow, her heart's last beat,
A promise to love, to cherish, till her last breath,
In quiet solitude, beneath the starry sky,
She pledged her love, under the moon's gentle sigh.
And as the dawn's light began to break,
Her love remained, like a soothing lullaby,
In every heartbeat, in each tear shed,
Her final vow, forever etched in her mind.

© Jerry