

May Blessings Be
May the month of May be filled with joy.
May the sun be bright and warm the earth.
May the rain and dew refresh the ground
and the living creatures all give birth.

May the birds and wild things all be fed.
May the streams be fresh and overflow.
May the grass again grow lush and green
and the seeds that fell find life and grow.

May the work be plenty, wages fair.
May your health be good and your body strong.
May your hands be busy every day
and upon your lips be found a song.

May you meet new friends in daily life.
May the ones you love be always near.
May the children’s innocence be saved
and their hearts have never need to fear.

May the words we say be worth the time.
May our hearts be honest when we pray.
May we all give more than what we take
and may safety keep us through the day.

May you know the joy that Jesus gives.
May you be at peace in the darkest night.
May you fill your purpose on the earth
and may every choice you make be right.

May the days build memories that will last
and the nights give deep untroubled rest.
May the laughter live to heal the mind.
May the month of May be richly blessed.

© Loretta Shively
#blessings #monthofmay #goodwishes