

Ops! You Got TheWrong Address ,I'm In The Abyss

it was a mess
i needed help
but i was devoured by the abyss
others eyes forever fall asleep

the hurt i felt there make me dance like a fool

but everyone thought it's funny and never stop clapping

now trying to scream,the clapping is too noisy no one hear me except the moon

i knee down, every show have an ending
i knee down, every soul risk stop shining
i knee down,the soil absorbe me
throw me in a send glass
oh how it's horrible the abyss
no way to mess
no one seek you , you're not messing

you're sitting next to your friend
but others eyes forever fall asleep
they can't see you fading to the deepest abyss

your eyes made of glass
can't see around anymore
your heart made of pain
can't get any sorry anymore
your ears made of wings
fly up
take you away
infinity travel in an empty tramway

i was waiting for them to knock the door someday
now they come,now they come
thinking i'm a doll ,i'm a dream
ops you got the wrong address ,that's what i say
now i can't see i can't walk
my conscientious is down in the abyss

straggling in the dark to find the exit
does it even exist?
sometimes i find windows
showing me some sweet memories
but the one,the one, i loved , i trusted
locked the windows,chain me like a monster
everytime i try escaping them
they became stronger, painful
maybe i'll give up
and die like a hero
but hero never gave up
i gave up everything,even myself,myself
down in the abyss
does hero die in the abyss

some black roots
start growing on me
there down in the abyss
they fused with my vain
my blood is black
my tears all black
my eyes made of glass stop shining
they are black
my soul became a shadow as black as the abyss
everyone around me stop clapping
i'm not funny for them anymore

i lost control

you gained control
for the first time
a voice whisper there

my black eyes see now
but not around, oh inside
my heart feel again
feel the nothing,no more pain
my ears made of black wings
don't fly anymore,no more escape
they cover my eyes
seeing inside too much
make me drowning in thoughts and facts

the chains fade slowly
the monster you made is free
the door is open
but I didn't left my chair
here is where i belong
where i'm welcomed
ops you got the wrong address
it's the most of all
among my shadows
there is the abyss

© Recker_The_Ghost