

Pitter - Patter Joy 💧☔
When raindrops hits
the roof, does it sound peaceful?
It sure does, huh!!
So let's read this poem
shall we


Raindrops whisper on a pane,
A gentle, drumming song,
A symphony for windowpane,
As twilight lingers along,
The thirsty earth outstretched below,
Drinks deeply of the downpour's flow,
And in return, a fragrant sigh,
As petrichor ascends the sky,
Barefoot steps, a playful dance,
In puddles, silver bright,
A fleeting splash, a joyful trance,
Beneath the fading light,
The world transformed, a glistening sheen,
On leaf and stone and rooftop high,
While overhead, the clouds convene,
And paint the arching sky,
A lullaby the raindrops sing,
A gentle pitter-patter,
A symphony that joy will bring,
No matter what may matter,

© Lunadesigns