

Mother Nature's flaws and talents
The golden leaves,so fragile and gold,
Sprinkle on the ground like a mat...
The little river,
Bubbling merrily,
Carries twigs to the shore...
Autumn seems so near,
Yet so far...
The howl of a wolf,
Deep in woods,
As the moonlight reflects the bare trees..
The sun is gold,
The leaves and flowers fold,
As they dry up..
Nature seems to whisper,
From the depths of the woods,
Come near and far,
You are the brightest star,
For nature,
It is not dangerous,
Nor safe,
For it is the heart of our Earth,
Let it expand,
Whispers Nature,
Serenity and silence are overlooked,
Keep me alive,
Whispers Nature,
For listening to silence,
Is a unique art for a few.
So many years,
So many deaths,
So many births,
So many changes.
We have evolved so much,
It has become our nature to evolve,
Evolution is natural,
So many generations have passed by,
And Nature has seen it all.
She Whispers secrets and lies,
from each generation.
Mother Nature sees what we cannot,
She has flaws,but she also has a family.
She can produce amazing creations,
Flowers and fruits.
We are still here,
Because of her.
Mother Nature's talents sustained us,
her flaws reminded us to appreciate ours,
Her mistakes made us understand ours,
She is the heart and soul,
of our planet.
Listen to Nature's Whispers,
For that saved us to see another day.

© Fiery Phoenix