

I have been asked to learn this and that,
I was told to be the best!
I don't know if I did justice to the voices within,
I was asked to be the Tiger but I get afraid of a cat.

I dint find a purpose so I was given one,
I dived into the unknown, only to realize my failure!
Getting up every single time is getting harder,
I lost everything I had and others had everything won.

I accept my flaws but others don't care about it,
They drag my conscious through day and through the night!
I am done being a slave and I want to set myself free into the limits of belief,
I pledge to sore high not caring about a miss or hit.

See me around and recognise the change that inspired me,
Explode into the wild and be the best of what you know!
Embrace the failure enduring the lessons learnt on the way,
Be the version you see as the best and not what others want you to be.

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