


You deal with patience the things so tough
You have that effect on people
You have that calmness to approach things
You have that evenness to see everything
Life would not be the same without the word mom
A word so strong it means a lot
There are many things that I wish to sort
There are many things in my life you bought
Life is so good with your name around
Your magical and pure love that surrounds
You mean so much to me
It's your love that I can see mom!

For the blissful time we had all these years,
Through all the fun and all the tears.
Time and place may separate us,
But to have you as my sister, I must be blessed.
For all the special things you have done,
I thank God coz you I have won.

Brother you bullied me so much,
You troubled me such,
But, still I know you love me a lot,
I will share with you my thought,
I also care for you,
That makes us an awesome two!

© Lakshmi yogeeswari sweety ✍️🙏PLY