

someday is now
We say "someday"
We say "tomorrow"
We say "later"
But oftentimes…
Whatever it is…
Seems to never happen
Seems like it never will
We say it all in hope it will
But how we say it…
We know it won't
"Someday" needs to happen
"Tomorrow" should be today
"Later" needs to be now
We need to say different
Say "today"
Say "right now"
Say "this will happen"
It will all happen
It will all work out
Everything happens
It happens for a reason
Everyone says "not today"
But we need to say…
We need to say it
Now is the time
As good as any other
So why later?
Why tomorrow?
Why wait for someday?
We're so afraid
We just wait…
For things to happen
For everything to fall into place
All on its own…
Without any help from us
Life isn't like that
Life is difficult…
It's insane…
It's beautiful…
We're stronger than "someday"
Than saying "later"
Or even just "tomorrow"
That turns into the next day
It turns into "maybe next week"
"Next month"
And eventually "never"
As we keep saying "someday"
We say it all the time
And lose track of the now
Of everything…
That we could do for today
To start making our dreams come true