

you go to jail

You go to jail

You go to jail
For standin up for black people….
You stay behind bars
For how long, for like 30 years or so
Cos you advocate for the people who
Look like you….the sad part is that
Your people is not on your side….
They don’t want you to defend them….

It’s too sad that your own race isn’t on
Your side cos they disgust themselves…
After you became their voice…

If I were in that position, I’d be a
Broken soul…all I can see is hate
The fire of hate that rose up in
My own nation….sayin you can’t speak
For me…I can witness how damagin white supremacy
Did on my people….I’d still speak
For us no matter what cos of the end of the
Day, we the black people are still human.….
I’d still fight for our own humanity on this
Earth, upon this country…

That saddest part is that we’re actin like 3 fifths of
A human cos a white man says so…cos a white man and
His people abused us so badly to the point we’re no longer
A person….the nerve of him, the nerve of the cave dwellers
Who don’t fuckin bathe for decades and say I’m superior….
And we worship his funk…his b.o…

We’re fighting each other for an unbathed racist kkk on the planet
Who said he’s way better than us…black people should question
His humanity…..fake ass white Jesus don’t use soap and wash
Cloth but we love him, right? The worst part is that many of us
Pick their bad European habits…..

It’s true…💯✊🏿©️ Kai C. 5-24-24
© Kai C..