

interracial relationships gender wars

A black man has a full blown makeout session
With a white woman in front of a sistah
Like he’s tellin her what she’s missin
Mind you, they’re strangers
Plus you can tell he hates himself

But a black woman do the same thing
She’s holdin her white man’s hand in front of
A brotha…she smiled like he fucked way better
Than you…a brotha was like huh,

It’s still a gender war in the black community….
So childish, y’all ain’t 5 years old and y’all wanna
Date outside your race where you think you can
Be loved and appreciated…make other opposite
Sex who look like you get jealous….but

Let me tell somethin that you don’t wanna hear…
Interracial relationships, interracial marriages doesn’t
Give black people power…doesn’t give us that power
Position…and it does affectin our race…look at the bloodline
Of our families, they become lighter and lighter…look
At our history, we’ve been raped so many times….look at
Psychology, Stockholm syndrome is still in business….

Now you can love who you love, that’s your life….
But your non black partner will never understand
Your situation of struggle…of being black…
I’m sure they will be there to fight with you and all
However white supremacy still has their back…
And biracial babies will ask questions
They will be confused…
A lot of black people will tell them the truth
Some will lie
And these white family members who
Will mistreat them cos they’re not white…

So if you want to build a family
With a person who doesn’t look like you
Well you gotta do a lot of thinkin
But do you hate your black self?
Do you hate your mama? Your pops?
Your siblings? Do you hate your own people?
Cos we’re conditioned… we have mental illnesses
As a melaninated nation…
If you do, you need to learn why….
And how can you fix this….
You need to learn about slave mentality
The trauma
You have to know not all black people are bad
Black men are not all thugs
Black women are not always angry
White supremacy stereotypes us all the time….
You also gotta know black love is possible

A black woman and a black man need each other
There’s no reason to make one another jealous
Cos you datin a white person

If you wanna date white Latinos Asians etc.
Go ahead
I can’t tell you what to do
But don’t be disrespectful to your race
But you are goin to be disrespectful
To us cos you think you’re way better than us now

What if your nonblack partner gets you in trouble?
Or their whole family?
Now what?
You chose to be with a snowbunny or other ethnicities….

💯✊🏿©️Kai C. 6-25-24
© Kai C..