

Dear You
Dear you,
How are u? I hope you are doing okay ...
These days when you wonder alone in endless road asking questions to your conscience about right and wrong..I hope you are giving yourself time to breath and relax..When people are questioning you about your weird ideas of happiness, I hope you cherish yourself to face your vulnerability..
I hope you grow and experience happiness for each tear you have shed for people whom you once loved..
Are u there for u? It's okay to bleed when you tired of world..To curse, cry, and whine about little things you thought would never happen..
Is it okay not to be grateful about things that seems soo clear.. Is it? I hope it is...
All my life, we run for peace and happiness.. Where do you find it? Inside someone's heart or inside our fears?
Dear you, I hope you are there for the nights we have wondered alone in the endless streets of nightmares . The moment when we thought we won't survive ...
We survived...Dear you , I hope you are there caring for your heart cause sometimes loving ourselves is the most difficult journey to clear... So dear you , I hope you are there....there to cherish your heart with love and innocence ..a state free from all your darkest fears..

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