

Happy Father's Day!
I want those barbie dolls, which other girls have but you didn't buy for me.
Oh Father,
Are you listening?

I want the ink pen same like my best friend.
Oh Father,
Are you listening?

My shoe is torn and toe is peeping out, would it last for more, I doubt.
Oh Father,
Are you listening?

I sew my bag with a needle and thread, its broke from everywhere, shall we go and buy it today?
Oh Father.
Are you listening?

Get up, get up, its getting late for school, Get up,
I opened my eyes and saw Mother waking me up.

My heart broke to know that, that was just a dream.
But in reality we all miss him.

I'm sure he misses us too like we do.
He always wanted to fulfil our dreams too.

Father, sure there is end for every pain.
Keep your presence in my dreams, until we meet again.

With an empty mind and a heavy heart,
I wish you Father, A happy Father's day and a happy path.