

To Bleed for You
As the Legion of our enemy blankets the ground for miles, the very thought compels my actions to reach your side. My Soul guides me to you, as our Hearts are as beakons that only you and I share. There is no other love in this reality that comes close to compare. If only a fingertip on a crowded street as we passed each other without sight. Id forever and a day, never giving up this fight. My Soul would be complete, even in defeat. My shoulders slumped forward as my comrads ask me why. For simply that touch I'd know it was you, as love so perfect as a thousand years streaked by, a glimpse of your smile forcing my Soul not to break down to cry. For no other person in this life or the latter may understand the joy your Soul shall bring. Making me smile as my Soul begins to sing. A song only you can hear, drowning in the sadness without you... in a solitary tear.
© Dale A Martinez

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