

not sidelined
no 'time-out' was siigned
stepped out the gAMe..side-lined
EDucated.myself.In.how.to.hANdle mine, so I NEver.will.have.to pan-handle for.a dIme
if a bOOty fine? yes, I'll pause, appreciate in time
but baby; never.will.you.see.me tongue-draggin🤪 after other dimes, head sprung right behind em tryna spit some lines
just to get some digits..
and later phone the line

had to develope new tactics
the change for me was drastic,
they've proven all the ass tricks
so now every day I practiced
all approach like every last attempt was tragic
reforming to moral norms like I was once a rabbit.
is loyalty hard to manage? bet!
hell wit no pussy?!
that can make a nigga almost rabid

so I had to focus on success,
meditated on my brEAthin
to learn to ease my chest becoming strong enough to beat the test 'n'
be able to cope wit stress

believing in one self is great and all but..
having hope is blessed.

anticipate the next..
wear the proper size shoes so you don't slip but slide to find your grove

that which works for some,
for you may be yet to prove or,
in the end; be proof enough that God approves

worry not who wins
being humble means you've finally learned to loose
when pride and ego wounded..
stupitity can feul a feud

humility will heal your bruise
so when it's time you need to choose..

evolve into divinity,
mule or muse

live till infinity,
rule or short a fuse

determine what is truth or
believe it's all a ruse

increase your wit and knowledge or,
always stay confused
notice every color of the spectrum or only see a hue.

© Human