

All You Want

All You Want, the American Dream
Wrapped in luxury, power, prestige and glory
It beckons, it teases, it tempts
A mirage, a fantasy, a grand illusion
We chase it, we strive for it
In the pursuit, we lose ourselves
We forget what truly matters
And become slaves to material desires
The glitz and glamour, they blind us
We crave for more, always more
Bigger, shinier, grander
We want it all, we want it now
But what is the cost of this dream?
Is it worth sacrificing our values?
Our relationships, our peace of mind
For a life of constant competition, greed and deceit
We are fed the idea of success
But at what cost, we fail to realize
The true essence of life
Is not in possessions, but in experiences
The American Dream, a facade
A trap that lures us in
But true happiness, true contentment
Lies in simplicity, in gratitude, in love
So let go of the chase
Of luxury, power, prestige and glory
For in the end, what truly matters
Is not what you have, but who you are

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ All You Want

© ApproximatePower