

transgender available Day is harmful America Cascussian ethnic
In utmost potential risk measured by wise senior

Transgender available Day

Which is not only insulting America great foundation culture

Christain and catherine religion culture

But also

Harmful America Cascussian ethnic population amount!

Which is already getting smaller by fentanyl

Which have been sherrid it's population amount up for 30 years

And government didn't support any new good policy or encouragement to Cacussian birth rate !

Through massive media broadcasting propaganda

A generation of young caucasian people of USA could be destroyed


Do you want to see US military is getting weaker ?!

This is a conspiracy

Let our junior far away from the protection of God

Devil wants our junior lost regular gender

Washed our junior head when they only 12 to 15 !

Side effects are not pretentious exaggerating words

To American junior whom is fooled

In order to weaken and reduce the population of the Caucasus

ethnic population

Does medical institution tell them

After accept transgender surgery

Why aren't the voices that are truly responsible for junior being heard?

Being broadcast?!

What is the society responsibility inside an official decliamation to the future America junior?


Transgender surgery might be bring you high risk that you can not imagine in the future 30 years

Shorted regular life is just a small part

Artificial hormones will always damage healthy

It will affect against the secretion of natural hormones

When your body wants to give you natural immunity

For example

Now you are so young maybe 10 or 12

The secretion of natural hormones has not yet begun obviously

Or began but not steadying

That is why someone wants to be different gender

Everything is still good in regular

If junior accepted such transgender surgery in their earlier age

Once our body is ready to secret nature steady hormones

There is no regret pill to take

High probably bear big unnecessary finical burden

Come from some medical institution

The pursuit of money could be a breeding ground for sin


If you want to be lesbian

Then be lesbian get your lover

If you want to married as gay id

Then get married in some city support gay marriage

Why have to listen 'transgender available'

Why listen to those fools?


I know I believe you are very honest

But should be keeping warning wise mind

Don't be used in your best age

By money chaser