

42 (forty two)

Wake up
And smell the coffee
I like it black with honey
A strong and sweet combination
The divine masculine
I write
Therefore I am
Kidlin’s Law
It defines me
Eleven dimensions of existence
Please you prove me wrong
A Hubble Tension puzzle
What the fuck is going on
Are we beyond the speed of light
Questioning everything
Is 42 the actual answer
An exquisite constant
The Unicorn of numbers
Life the universe and everything
Did the book Revelations foretell
Whilst hidden and in plain sight
Was there any need for deep thought
A generational wildcard
Is the science going spiritual
As the evidence is mounting
That more than maths is at play
The bootes Void
A nothing in the nothingness
Don’t you just adore
The discreteness of spacetime
Does it make you feel special
Or all alone
And small
Maybe insignificant
Is mankind
Kind of magical
Are the questions that I pose
Too much for you
Would you really prefer banality
Happy to be a pedestrian
Meandering meaninglessly
throughout the cosmos
Despite its overwhelming wonderment
Chaotic, complex and orderly
The Perfect synchronicity
A life without any questions
Being zero life at all
We don’t have all
The answers
But we do have

the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™

© All Rights Reserved