

"I’m sorry"
I always wondered
how you felt after taking my heart
clenching it between your fists
and wringing it out

It’s excruciating…

you enjoyed every drop of blood fallen from it.

I always wondered
how much more time you needed
to finally notice
about the broken parts of me that missing
or the deep wounds, the hidden cuts
how much more time
until you realize all the damage you caused
and try to repair it

I always wondered
how i will feel
if the word "Sorry"
spills from your lips
and enters my ears

days, months, years…

then one day
you came to me
you hugged me
kissed me in the forehead
and said
I’m "Sorry"

but you didn’t know that
the word "sorry"
couldn’t repair much in me now
cause i was no more broken
but shattered.


© Fatima