

Woman who inspired me....deep gratitude !

A woman who inspired me,
Is not just one, but many,
Each unique and special,
With lessons they have given me.

Some showed me how to be confident,
To believe in myself and my abilities,
Others taught me how to dress with style,
And present myself with grace and elegance.

Some had a creative spark,
That ignited a fire within me,
And then there were those who taught
Me to dance with grace and
Inspired me to express myself freely.

Some exude a positive attitude,
No matter what life throws their way,
Others taught me to be humble and kind,
And to treat others with respect and empathy.

There were those who showed me how to work with ease,
To take on challenges without stress,
And then there were those who unknowingly,
Taught me valuable lessons with their actions and words.

So to all the women
who have inspired me,
I express my deepest gratitude,
For each of you have made an impact,
In shaping the person I am today.

So with whole heart ,I take the opportunity to wish them all
" Happy Women's Day"
and say
Dilse Shukriya.......

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