

Fragments of Love
There is this void inside of me, like an empty well, dark like an abyss and alone like those lonely mountains. I used to enjoy my own company, sing songs, dance and always happy but one day all this vanished and I was never the same again. What is this feeling that I get occasionally, the feeling of longing for someone. It is like I am searching for someone to come in my life, love me and make me whole again. I feel like I am lost, lost in my thoughts and my own darkness. I never felt lonely but now even the thought of it haunts me. When did all this happen? When did I become so weak? I have been searching for the answers for a long time and today I found it. All of this happened the day you left me, the day you said that we can not be together and broke my heart by saying that you don't love me anymore. I still remember the moments we shared, and the beautiful memories we created. It's been ere long since we saw each other for the last time yet it still feels like just yesterday. Even now, like a fool, I dream about us being together. I pray that you be happy in your life because I don't think I'll ever be the same. I forgot how to love.