

Brown Royalty
Dear forgers of the human race
With your alluring and saccharine brown skin
And the taste of your lips,
Ever so enticing
Your brown eyes testify the deep rooted heritage
That is the beauty of our ancestry
I see a spark in them that highlights the brightness of our present and future excellency

Beautiful black man
Handsomely gorgeous black woman
Embrace your divine masculinity or femininity
Or both
Your beauty goes deeper than your skin
Your intelligence grows further from your mind
And through your curls that crown you

For what feels like eternity
You have faced scrutiny
Delt with injustice and cruelty
Deemed unworthy of prosperity
All because of their jealousy...
See, you are the blueprint, sacred holder of the mother gene
All of Akebulan's treasures flow through you
So they try to steal it from you
Don't let them
For what feels like eternity they've drained you
Stop them
All those that go against you shall bow down before you in respect because you are royalty
Fearfully and wonderfully made
Skin resembling the soil from Eden's garden
You are powerful, your voice echoes in melanin

Beautiful black child
Alluring and saccharine brown skin
Ever so enticing,
Wear your crown with pride
Defend your throne with honor and stride

© Melodious