

I know
So what's it gonna be this time?? A different method for once or the same usual routine!!!!!? I can't stop you and it's none of my business if you wanna continue posing as several different strangers so I won't know that it's you but don't you think it's time for you all to try something new instead of always entering the world through reproduction, swapping souls with other people, controlling the minds and the bodies of everyone around me, or supernaturally crossing over from the pits of hell and appearing into the physical world of the living within the blink of an eye and shapeshifting into a human being in order to hunt me down on this earth and come into my life to attack me???? That's all Satan and the people in my family who died and went to hell has ever done but wait.... It gets even more twisted! My family members who are alive are connecting with the dead and are spiritually teaming up with them and joining forces with them. Yes that's right! I know what ya'll are doing. I'm awake now bitches, so what's up?? Can't really do much if I already know what you're up to. #method #sameoldsameold #routine #asusual #boring #lame #overused #typical #supernatural #paranormal
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