

A gaze laughter
In the quiet hush of morning light,
Where dreams dissolve in dawn's embrace,
A gentle gaze ignites the night,
With laughter's touch, a soulful grace.

Eyes that sparkle, mirthful beams,
Chasing shadows, birthing gleams,
A tender smile, a silent tease,
Breezes dance through tranquil trees.

Laughter, soft as summer rain,
Washes hearts, relieves the strain,
Moments pause, time's tether frees,
A soul refreshed in nature's ease.

In every chuckle, whispers pure,
A secret joy, a sweet allure,
The world aglow with simple cheer,
A gaze of laughter, drawing near.

With each light-hearted, playful glance,
The spirit sways in joyful dance,
Renewed, it soars, the burdens cast,
In laughter's gaze, our souls contrast.

Thus, in this fleeting, bright embrace,
Find solace in the light of grace,
For laughter's gaze, a gentle art,
Can mend the soul, and warm the heart.
© Testimony