

The sabi man
Here's a heartfelt poem for you:

In the heart of Isiokpo, where stories unfold,
Lived a man of wisdom, a tale yet untold.
With eyes full of knowledge, and a mind so bright,
He walked through life, a guiding light.

The Sabi Man, they called him, with reverence and awe,
For he held the answers to questions we all saw.
His words were like magic, weaving tales so grand,
Each sentence a masterpiece, crafted by his hand.

He spoke of ancient wisdom, passed down through the years,
Of forgotten legends, and dreams that brought tears.
His voice carried melodies, like a sweet lullaby,
Whispering secrets, as the world passed by.

With every word he uttered, hearts would skip a beat,
For his wisdom was boundless, oh, so sweet.
He spoke of love and loss, of dreams and despair,
His words touched souls, leaving them bare.

The Sabi Man's presence, a gift to us all,
A beacon of light, standing tall.
He taught us to embrace the unknown,
To seek knowledge, and never be alone.

Through his stories, we learned to see,
The beauty in life's complexity.
He opened our minds, expanded our view,
The Sabi Man, forever true.

So, in this contest, let his words resound,
Let his wisdom and stories be renowned.
For the Sabi Man's legacy shall forever remain,
A treasure of knowledge, we shall never refrain.