

Eagles World
Born as Eagle I soar to Great Heights..
I fly like Angels...Up Above clouds.....Bring Rains to my house....
My Flight brings Breeze with My Wings... Blesses me with Peace

With Winds I Carry myself to Great heights in the midst of Clouds and Rains...I Meet the Angels and Give messages to my Lord...

My World is Up above the world in the Sky..with Stars and Angels blessing me from Above...

My Nest Rests on Mountains to Groom my little ones where the Clouds Brings Rains to Forest and Woods to rejunivate life.

I see from Mountains food for my family in the Valleys of Forest Trees Flowers Rivers and Ponds..

I Fly like Angels on the Sky With my Sharp Eyes I could see deep into the World of Sea of Fish Rats Snakes ....

I Fly like Angels with Wings to Soar High...to bless the World of Skies.

© Zensun Coins