

Story of the Candle & Flame
Have you ever heard the story of the candle & the flame?
If not or so you have, plz let me tell you a story of love
A love story, which like Romeo & Juliet, ends with death
But unlike that story, they die together

One day on a counter stood a tall & wide candle
This candle feels dull
No one in its entire existence to give it purpose

No feeling of actually being alive
It has no spark to do the impossible
Cold as the air around it, no warmth ever around

Its string serves no reason of being apart of it
The body of wax, of which it is made, is hard
No senses of feeling can crack its shell, inner or outer

But a flick was heard from an emptiness of noise
The candle began to feel like never before
It was in that instance, the candle met a new face

This being was fire
Its beauty was like no other
Glowing exactly like the stars
Its form never to stay the same
Which brought excitement to the candle

The fire brought love to the candle
A warmth which burned both inside & out
A sense of actually being alive
A sense of purposes to the string

Though, like everything it came with a cost
Every touch of any contact gave the candle melting sweats
Every touch of any contact gave the fire dimness of flames

But the love never slowed
Even when the candle & flame saw their end
They only smiled

Their death was the only life they knew
But in their time of dieing
Love is what kept them, truely, alive
Why do you do think the pool of remains stayed warm?

© Jack G.