

like how sand slips past the grasp of a hand,
the same way, hope slips out too.

you can be sure you had it in your hand,
but when you unfold your fist,
all you're left with are bunch of stones.

just like so,
hope is slick.
it can slip past you,
if you're holding onto it with force.

so instead, learn to grow hope into you.
deep inside your heart.
so that all your blood is filled with it.

and even if you pluck it out bit by bit.
your heart will always produce more of it.

and as humans, we crave hope more then we crave anything else.
but we let our hearts only produce it in capacity.

why contemplate hoping?
when that's all we need to move forward.

for some,
it's a foreign concept,

but for some,
that's all they know.
© sariya