

Remodelled my own brain,
to freshen up,
the quality of my thoughts,
Took a moment,
to look into the different rooms,
I had created mentally,
and realized that a good form,
of renewal was past its due date,
I removed a lot of furniture,
that didn’t serve the purpose,
of my evolution,
and filled the whole area up,
with nothing but roses,
so that I could appreciate,
the world that expressed itself outside,
I found a few tenants,
who weren’t living a balanced life,
in my emotions and feelings,
and requested them,
to go in peace and love,
so that much worthier tenants,
could bring a better sense,
of contentment,
There are countless rooms,
and each and every corner,
is also filled with boxes and files,
that need to be opened,
and released into the harmonious,
nature of the Universe,
I think I finally learned,
the meaning of recycling,
I place a cool doormat,
with a welcoming symbol,
of love,
so that I could meet the thoughts,
that really want to dance,
with the idea of positive growth,
Remodelling takes time,
but it’s worth it,
if you want to know who you truly are,
within the balanced music,
put together,
by the mind, body and soul,
Are you ready to remodel your brain?
© Nabeel Yousuf