

Dancing shadows, rustling leaves
"Dancing shadows, rustling leaves,
as the wind creates a symphony,
swaying branches, falling blossoms,
under the lone streetlamp glow."

In the darkness I walked,
underneath the lush canopies,
treading slowly, feeling the vibes,
the rushing breeze, under the moonlight.

In these moments of stillness,
I appreciated the nature's richness,
that surrounds our ordinary dwellings,
a magical ambience, not many witnesses.

The gentle rays of the moonshine,
filtered from the tree roof, felt divine,
but then, the path shines brightly,
as I approached, the lone streetlight.

Standing beside a Jamun tree,
poles enveloped, by climbers & leaves,
yet, it illuminates the green canopies,
further enhanced by the passing breeze.

And I watched, awestruck...
The dancing shadows on the ground,
as the wind creates musical notes,
flowing through the rustling leaves.

© Dr. Manish Rout