

Life is easy until we reach
I love how easy this room is
with a carpet that numbs my feet &
the sun is magic this afternoon
rushing in like an orange flood through the windows
but hot
in a way that wants to peel your skin off.

I don't know what to say because I
haven't really lived a lot or kissed sorrow
like my peers & will not for as long as I can manage. I love how easy my life is
comparatively but I like to roughen it once in a while

Because I am foreign to the language of contentment. I have three apples for the hours of a day and wish for double, triple.

The heavens blessed me with a good mind & a throat of songs
& I found the pen
& I said in this one life it wouldn't hurt to be three things

You know life is easy if you are the wind travelling without care. It is when we hope for the solid against the elements that a story is born.
© I.K Inyang