

The perfect night
I thought the night and the weather were perfect for me to write about her.
Because you can recognise the way she walks, and the way her foot goes sideways, the gestures she makes when she is uncomfortable, the way she smells when she is close and the way she talks when she is nervous.

Maybe that's what hurts me the most, that I know that she doesn't feel anything for me and that maybe in her mind lies the hair of a tall boy with curly hair and a face completely different from mine.

Maybe it hurts me more to stay here because I can't leave, I can't leave because she sent me a message, not wanting to leave because we had a good time together, but wanting to run away because I know I live on little fragments and memories.

Because most of the time I'm trying not to feel anymore.

That's why I have to run away, before it's too late
© By...Pao