


I look at the raindrops pattering outside my window.
Pattering fast and rapidly like my tears falling on my pillow.
I close my eyes tight and allow my thoughts to take me back.
Into the snare of my wicked memories, so my guilt can have me for a snack.
As I clutch tightly onto my wet sheets,
I long for the moments I confidently opened my eyes as I weep
But I still can not decide if there is one good memory I can keep.
The story of me and you was not a story so heartbreaking
But the loss of your presence now makes it so mind-wrecking

To even grasp my nerves and emotions back into place I can not,
But if I could at least calm down for a nanosecond
I'd untie the knot
Have myself at least a few words to say.
With all the love I've in my heart,. I could always pay.

Just for a chance to tell you,
how much I miss you
And how much I still long to keep you.
Without ever, again, leaving you
© @stalactite