

Natural love 💕
A mere skeleton of calcium carbonate
floating alone at continental shelf
with no life, no colour nor any energy to hope
One day,
Nature blessed him
Ms. zooxanthelle met him
The mutualism developed—
They kissed and nature smiled
Gradually this understanding and love
Turned the mere skeleton bright
The world called it "Coral"
Life started around it....all aquatic species playing around it
Colourful, beautiful, fascinating, lively he felt
All the aquatic creatures accepted him
They became everyone's favourite

Time passed,
Sadly arrived the time to apart...the day of dusk
Out of jealousy the ocean grew warmer
The negativity made him acidic
Poor zooxanthelle couldn't bear this harshness
She died, leaving her coral alone
Coral couldn't bear this loss
The death bleached his existence,
Turned completely white, lifeless as he was
Again alone, colourless he stands
A mere skeleton of calcium carbonate without his love
He too dies but now in hope
Again he'll meet his zooxanthelle
Again their love will prosper,
This time he won't let her go
His love would surpass all the harshness.

© Ritu