

Flame of Friendship
Why do people allow friends to come and go?
Replace the ones they know
and walk away from the relationships
in their life that mattered most?

It saddens me to know, that these friendships will come and go.
But i understand with some
that this decision is for the best.

I kept telling myself it wouldn't affect me. Her disloyalty in the past,
but i realize it was her decision
or perhaps it was her dad.

Either way, You walked away from me....
but I don't hate you,
I'm just saddened I lost a friend.
I was there for you when you needed me,
I wasn't expecting this to end.

I still don't understand what happened,
the day you wrote me off.
I guess it's something you felt you had to do to prevent from being caught.

Avoiding feeling at fault.
Or perhaps to control your thoughts.
In either case disloyalty
to a friend was the end result.
It's strange to me what transpired that day to the point we never talk.

I understand you’re married now,
And living somewhere else.
I heard he's nice
You love your life
And forgot about how you felt.

Our Friendship was just a dying flame
Like a match lit in the rain
A spark of flint, a candle wick
It always ends the same.

#friendship #friends

© JustAnotherInkling🎨