

Better Recognize!
What these youngsters will never understand is those of us that was really out in them streets at a young age and were told we wouldn't make it to see 18 , and wouldn't make it to see 21. Are now grown with kids and grandchildren now. By the grace of God we Survived real gang banging in the 80s and 90s , we survived the the streets and the police when it wasn't cameras everywhere. We survived each other and Back to back prison stints. So when your looking at this Grey hair and thinking we're washed up and lame. Or that the streets got hard when you jumped off the porch. Just remember the watered-down version you have now. Is because those of us who survived it. Retired and had you all that's out there now ! But don't forget who built it and gave you the model to mimic. They took the names and left the uniforms , codes , and rules. It's all them now. They can have it! Don't think that just cause we sat it on the shelf. We can't dust it off and bring it back out. The original always works better then the new version!💪
© ockindev213