

The Quiet Strength of Patience
In the quiet hush of early dawn,
Where time itself seems to yawn,
There lies a virtue, silent, great,
Patience, a friend who teaches wait.

In the garden, seedlings sleep,
Promising harvests they will reap.
The gardener's heart knows well the pace,
Nature's slow, nurturing embrace.

The painter with a thoughtful eye,
Blends the hues of earth and sky.
Each stroke is a testament to time,
A canvas kissed by patience sublime.

In life's vast, intricate design,
Patience weaves its thread so fine.
Teaching us to endure, to stand,
To hold our dreams with a gentle hand.

So let us cherish this quiet strength,
In our hearts, at every length.
For in patience, we find a guide,
To a peace that dwells inside.
© providence