

A Poetic Ode to New Beginnings
In the twilight of the fading year,
Where memories linger, crystal clear,
A whisper stirs, a gentle breeze,
A promise hums among the trees,
The clock ticks slow, a measured chime,
Echoing tales of passing time,
Yet in this hush, a spirit sings,
Of metamorphosis, of vibrant wings,
As stars cascade in the velvet sky,
A tapestry of dreams, oh, so high,
Transitions bloom, a kaleidoscope,
We navigate this boundless scope,
From embered eve to dawn's embrace,
We find our stride, we set our pace,
Growth unfurls like petals rare,
A canvas painted with hope's sweet air,
Through trials faced, and lessons learned,
A resilience within us earned,
In every stumble, every fall,
We find the strength to stand up tall,
The New Year calls, a blank expanse,
A realm of chance, of second chance,
A phoenix rises from the past,
With aspirations, bold and vast,
Hopeful hearts in unison beat,
As the clock and calendar meet,
To welcome in the infant light,
Of a year, so pure, so infinite,
Envision now the dawn's first ray,
A harbinger of a brighter day,
In transition's dance, we find our role,
A story etched on the scroll,
So here's to growth, to change, to cheer,
To every shedding, every tear,
For in the tapestry of time,
Our hopeful spirits sweetly chime,
With resolutions writ on starlit skies,
We face the dawn with eager eyes,
Embracing transitions, bold and bright,
Welcoming the New Year's tender light.
© Pooja