

Halloween night

Candles burning with ghosts and spirits

Orange candle flames of moonlight
A dark and spooky cemetery
A cemetery that's cold as winter with tombstones and bones

Candles, roses, and elegies placed on headstones 🕯🕯🕯🌹🌹🌹📝📝📝🪦🪦🪦

A raven perched on a tombstone under a candle of orange moonlight 🐦‍⬛🪦🕯🌕
Its feathers black as midnight
Its eyes glowing red like fire

The raven's mournful caw ringing in the cemetery

Ringing like a bell - a bell that rings: "Death!" 🐦‍⬛🔔💀

Candle of moonlight

The raven paints its black shadow across the graveyard
Moonlight shadows of death that's black as the raven's feathers
A haunted graveyard filled with ghosts and tombstones

Ancient tombstones and bones 🪦🪦🪦💀💀💀
An icy cold wind blowing in the cemetery
Chilling my bones like ice 🦴🦴🦴🧊

Death lingers in the air like incense smoke from candles
Incense smoke of spirits and ghosts rise from the headstones like mist
Skeletons and ghosts dance under the orange candle flames of Halloween moonlight
Moonlight candle spell of macabre and mystery

Poem written by: Brett Strotman 📝
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