

Unbound Addiction

In shadows deep, where demons hide,
Unbound addiction takes its stride.
It creeps and coils, a silent thief,
Stealing joy, causing endless grief.

With whispers sweet, it calls your name,
And in its grasp, you play the game.
Each hit, each sip, a fleeting high,
But in its wake, your soul does cry.

Bound by chains of desire's hold,
The will grows weak, the heart turns cold.
Fighting demons, day by day,
But still, they beckon, they lead astray.

Oh, unbound addiction, cruel and sly,
You promise bliss, yet all you supply
Is pain and anguish, a bitter cost,
Leaving lives shattered, forever lost.

Yet hope still flickers, a guiding light,
To break the chains, to win the fight.
With strength and courage, hearts can mend,
And from the darkness, new paths ascend

So let us stand, united strong,
Against the pull of addiction's song.
For in our unity, we find the key,
To break free and live life's harmony.

© F. R. Puentes