

Behind the veil
He was a blind man,
but not blind to men's speech,
how easily men fell for fine speech,
flattery a trap any could stitch,
his heart beyond anyone's reach,
his mind barricaded in fortress steel,
only truth could breach.

Kept his feet to the ground,
through prides allure and egos chimes,
aware of his mortal frame, flesh and bone,
so he knew he wasn't above the rest.
Like any men born into a world of sin,
it was a fate he couldnt evade,
tangled in love and hate,
choices his alone to navigate.

Yet he knew not to be blind,
not welcoming a deceiving design,
trust was hard to come by,
and rarely visited twice.
He was a blind man,
truly blind to the world,
but didn't trust any other but the Lord.

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