

Cosmic Periphery
///Cosmic Periphery\
Quieted mind,
allowed the universe to raise my baseline,
heart once again pumping the raw essence of divine, chakras activate easily with a focused beam- mantras-proper hand positioning-lack of limiting beliefs.
Appreciate your expanded self in the eternal now, heighten awareness of your mystical know how, transmitting in a hypnotic bell ringing frequency…..download eternity’s keys through the crown and heart extremities…..practicing the art of allowing is keen, expanding peacefully since insisting resistance flee, attuning to the ancient ommm beat…I’m not sure all is as it seems, with the quantum nature of reality connecting the here and in between at faster than light speed, observing past and future memories in night and daydreams, able to sense destiny’s calling by aligning thoughts to source energy’s unseen broadcasting stream….blending with the all …in the cosmic periphery.

© QuantumCDub