

The Cafe Girl
Right next to the cafe door,
stood the cafe girl.
Elegant and efficient,
with a suave smile on her face.

Clothed in white pinstripe dress.
Hair done in a neat updo.
Walked in beautiful black heels,
around the cafe aligning things.

Ladies and men taking seats.
Kids gazing at the chocolate fountain.
Couples ready for a date.
And cafe girl ready to serve.

She walked around every minute.
Giving out menus,
with a warm greet at every table,
Hello, how can I help you?

Espresso and brownies on demand.
Tea or coffee, what do you want?
Plates and cups with dishes,
balanced meticulously on her palms.

Finally cafe clock struck eight.
Crowd disappeared,cafe ready to close.
Stuffs arranged back into place.
Cafe girl ready to go home.

© nandanas