

Lust and love,
See how your arms rest in my chest,
See how my arms cuddle around your waist,
oh, how I long for that moment, that moment I shall taste the fruit,
That fruit I have longed for,
That fruit you said was forbidden,
That fruit I was promised by my kins, they say it tastes better than an apple,
For this is the day, I shall taste the fruit,

They say the fruit is red and pulpy, yet some say it is juicy,
Some say it is hollow, while kins preach of its grip,
I'm told it is tastier than most, oh so they say,
My mouth waters with lust, for the stories captivate me,
They rumour of its warmth, it's warmth addictive,
For this is the day, I shall taste the fruit,

My queen my love, offer me the fruit today,
Fory hunger can await not,
let my hand caress your Bossom , my fingers to stroke your hair,
Let me kiss you cheeks, and pamper you silly,
Let me oint your chin, lest I lick your thighs,
Your lips I'm glued to, it's warmth my embrace,
For this is the day, I shall taste the forbidden fruit.
TBC...(written by Da Vinci with love💕🌷 like and follow forore of such poetry)

© Davinci is an award winning Novel and Poem writer from Kenya.