

Depression Talk 2 - trust issues
Talk 2

They say, i said open up...
Talk to people, make friends..
But now the question is,
Is it that easy???
Easy to make friends
Sincere friends, who listen to you with full heart.
We have trust issues already when in depression.
We don't want people around us
But still we want someone to listen to us
The bond between heart and tongue becomes Topsy turvy
The tongue doesn't speak the heart
The eyes spell out pain but shed none tears.
The mind is volcanic and the implication of ideas is not possible.
To be in depression is like being stuck in a between inhale and exhale of emotions,
We are not able to inhale positivity and exhale negativity
We wait for some magic to happen
Our body and mind are deep into sloth motion
But our soul, thoughts are a racer championing Negativity at its best.

How to overcome this ...

Watch cartoons, be with kids, teenagers
while talking to them, you will realize the thicks and thins they go through everyday.
Help people. Help needy souls,
Everyone in reality is tarted and scanty of strength to overcome their miseries.

TALK 2 ends here
to be continued .....
Talk 3 coming soon!!!!

© divyasingh